Monday, November 13, 2023

Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class. I still remember the first Didactics class I had, I honestly had no interest in teaching, I felt it wasn't my thing. But my mindset changed after these two periods. But we'll talk about that at the end of this post. 

So, this entry is about the last class we had from group 7 and 8, after All Souls Day.

They started playing "ahorcado" which I think is called hangman in English. And so they gave a couple of hints and the students had to say the letters they thought made up the word, and if they said a word that didn't match, then the teacher had to draw a part of the hangman. It's a game that I particularly like. 

Then they had a refresher about numbers, their pronuntiation and examples.

The hours and "there is and there are"


Also, about the daily routine

I really liked the fact that students were able to study all the topics from the beggining. I think in that way they will be able to remember it better.

After the first class, we had a mini-break. But this one was different, as Lic Orlando brought us cookies and coffee! My favorite time of the day is coffee time and it was great to share it with my classmates.

Then it was the turn from the last group. 

Eli did an activity called "guess the time". She used a toy clock and set random times for the students to say the correct answer.

Carla also taught some expressions about time

Gustavo made a reading activity

They played rock, paper and scissors. If the student lost, he or she had to read a phrase.

At the end, the teachers gave some gifts to the students

And here are the group photos. At the beginning there were more students, but I'm glad that at least they were able to finish. Some of them told me that the classes were a great help and that they will continue studying. 

Of course, a selfie with Lic Orlando was a must. The coffee with pan dulce is still pending. I hope it will be possible. 

The next day, Lic Orlando came to our French class, as he had saved some cookies for those who could not come to the last class. It was a very special gesture on his part. And we took a picture together with out t-shirts.

So to finish, as I said at the beginning of the entry. This was a very special year, and a big part of it was thanks to this subject, and all that I learned throughout the months. Without a doubt, I was able to discover a potential for teaching, even though creating a lesson plan was sometimes a little complicated, and I can't imagine the part of having to grade homework and exams, but now I don't rule out the possibility of teaching English or who knows French, once I get a better handle on it. I realized that this is another way to help other people in an important process. And that is what I enjoy the most, helping others, so thank you Lic Orlando for transmitting your passion for teaching, for your charisma and good wishes always towards us. I know this is not a goodbye but a see you soon. Thank you for everything.

Oh, and by the way, If you read till this part, well I actually just finished the previous 2 entries too😄😅 so if you have the time to check on them, I left the links on the corresponding forums. Thank you again!

Groups 5 & 6 (Oct 26th)

Welcome back to another entry!

This day, I arrived late with Jonathan to the class, so the group was already finishing the warm up activity

So I was able to see from Fer’s explanation and on, he reviewed the pronunciation of numbers, and he explained the difference between a digital clock and analog clock, also about the difference between AM and PM 

Then Dani made an activity with a “magic box” which contained pieces of paper with some questions about the time of some daily activities, they asked pairs to come to the front and do the role play 

After that, Maria had another activity called “what time is it in…?” In which students practiced countries and different times 

Afterward, Nath made a very creative activity, she made some clocks and gave one to each student and asked them to make a line, then depending on the time they were told they had to set it up on the clocks that she brought, 5 stars to Nath who went the extra mile and made those clocks

And at the end Miriam played bingo with the students. It was a very funny way to end the class, as no other group made this activity before, and the students were even excited for winning. So congratulations to the group.👏

Then, it was the turn of Mauricio's group. Here are some photos of them:


And here they are, the 2 groups together.

Groups 3 & 4 (Oct 19)

 Welcome to another blog. In this case, it was my group's turn, so I did not take much photos.

That day we had the chance to have a listening activity. I remember I was in charge of the warm up and wrap up activity, so it was kind of easy jaja. Aby played a video of the daily activities, in which students had to pay close attention to the sentences in order to answer some questions. Jonathan also made some mimics while saying some words and phrases, in that way students were getting more familiar with the sounds of the words. 

Then Rodrigo made some questions related to common activities but on their birthdays and on Christmas. It was fun because everyone was saying different things. 

Then, I ended the class with a wrap up activity, in which I asked the students to make a line, the first student had to say an activity to start the day, for example "I wake up" then the next student had to repeat it "he/she wakes up" and then say their own sentence until the last one that had to finish with an activity to end the day, like "I go to bed". 

So that was our second and last teaching class. And I am glad we were able to make it. We learned from our previous mistakes and tried to do it better this time. 

Then, the next group made a reinforcement about the topic but with a different method. Here are some photos I took:

Overall, I really enjoyed working with Aby, Rodri and Jona. I think we were able to get along well and work as a team. If I were asked to choose a group again, I would definitely choose them again.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Groups 1 & 2 (Oct 12)

Hello everyone. Welcome once again to my blog. This time we were assigned new topics and new methods for each group. The first group was Noe's, with the topic of Daily Routines and Frequency adverbs. 

First they started with a Charades dynamic, in which the students had to mime and the rest had to guess what they were trying to say. It was fun. 

Then they explained some daily routines along with frequency adverbs

Then they did a couple of activities, one of them was in written form and the other they asked the students to come to the front in two groups and talk. 

Here's the group picture.

Then, after break, we had the 2nd group's participation about the simple present. 

First they asked the students to come to the front and share their daily routine, but they also had to remember everyone else's routine and say it.

This group was focused in grammar, so they explained the structures, rules, etc.

They made very fun activities, in which they played while learning.

And here is the whole group. From my prespective, I can see that students are learning and enjoying this a lot. So I am so glad for that. This week it will be my group's turn again, and we will focus on listening. So we'll see how it goes. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Classes by group 7 & 8

Hello again to another blog. 

With this blog we end the first round of classes. 

Group #7 was in charge of giving a review of numbers and objects in the classroom focusing on listening activities. 

Fer started with the warm up activity. Using parts of the body, such as shoulders, elbow, head, etc, and thus breaking the ice with the students to start the class. 

Then it was Maria's turn, who gave them an overview of the numbers. And then Miriam did the first activity, where the students laughed a lot because they had to pass an object among them and whoever kept it when there was silence had to participate.

Then Daniela and Nathaly did the last activities. Dani gave them an audio in which they had to write down all the numbers and classroom objects that they could identify. On the other hand, Nathaly did a dynamic called Journalist and celebrities, which honestly was the first time I heard it, but she knew how to do it successfully. 

Here are some photos from that group:

After break, we had the last group.

The last group was based on reading. First Mauricio did the Warm up activity and Jaime explained the first activity in which the students were given pieces of paper and they had to make sentences and paste them in order on the board. 


They explained the topic and had some activities to make sure all students understood.


 At the end, all groups did well. And with that we finished another week and we will start the last part of the semester!

Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...