Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Body language & coordination, and improvisation

This blog entry begins after Nidia's participation in the middle of class on Thursday, May 4. In which we had some fun activities, such as walking as a model throughout the classroom and basically following our teacher's instructions.

Here are Fer and Nath practicing their modeling skills, they look like professional models already. 😂

Then we have Dani, trying to make the person in front of her laugh, doing some funny moves.😅

So, basically, the activities were as follow:

a. Keeping focus

 * Keeping eye contact with the person in front of you while being serious

                * Keeping eye contact with one person as you walk around the classroom

b. Expressing emotions with your face and body

* Trying to make the person in front of you laugh out loud

                * Walking as a model around the classroom as you change your sight: angry, happy, sad   eyes, etc. 

                *Complimenting your classmates as you walk around the classroom

c. Improvisation

*Improvising the scene of a movie

                * Improvising a scene depending on the background sound

                * Saying bye with speech and movement

Then, on Tuesday, May 9, I couldn't come to class because I was delayed with another assignment I had to bring in that same day. So, unfortunately, I missed the activity related to improvising a movie scene. But my friends, shared with me a video of their movie scene, which was from the Sherk 1 movie, where the little coockie man is being held back by the prince, as he was looking to marry a princess.

Here is Kennet representing one of the princesses.😂

And here we have Dani in his role of the cookie man whose name I don't remember, and Fer was the prince trying to get some information out of him. This is exactly the moment when he spits in the prince's face. 😂😂😂

And I think that would be all for my entry for this week. I hope you enjoyed it. And I'm sorry for the confusion as I didn't notice that my entry was empthy. 😅

1 comment:

Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...