Monday, September 11, 2023

Designing a PDP

Welcome back for another week. This blog is about our class on 8/31/23. And as you can see in the image below, we had a P.P.P review and we designed a PDP lesson plan.

Lic Orlando chose this topic "Real Conditional sentences in the future"

He explained it and gave us some time to practice with some questions:

We created some sentences and he asked us to practice with a recipe:

We had more examples:

We did a final activity to close that topic:

After that, we all started working on a lesson plan for an imaginary topic.

And here is Lic Orlando agreeing with everything we just said while creating the lesson plan.

 And that's all for this time. But I don't want to say goodbye without mentioning something that Mr. Orlando mentioned during class that caught my attention. He commented that the students always have to read/listen with a purpose. First the student has to read the text or listen to the audio to be able to answer questions, otherwise the objectives will not be achieved. 

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