Monday, February 27, 2023

Total Physical Response (TPR)


Phonetic symbols / TPR songs for children / Suggestopedia. 

TPR method by James Asher. 

Origin of the method

When we speak of total physical response, we refer to a method of teaching language through physical activity.

Based on the teachings of its creator, James Asher, the more often a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory association and the more likely it will be remembered.


  • Meaning in the target language can often be conveyed through actions.

  • The students’ understanding of the target language should be developed before speaking. 

  • Students can initially learn one part of the language rapidly by moving their bodies.

  • The imperative is a powerful linguistic device through which the teacher can direct student behavior. 

  • It is very important that students feel successful.

  • Correction should be carried out in an unobtrusive manner.

  • Students must develop flexibility in understanding.

  • Students will begin to speak when they are ready. 

  • Students are expected to make errors when they first begin speaking.

  • It is a fun method specially for children, making them to have a good time.

  • It does not require a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher.

  • Class size does not need to be a problem.

  • There is no age barrier.

  • It is a good tool for learning vocabulary.


  • It is limited, since everything can't be explained with this method.

  • Certain target languages may not be suited to this method 

  • It can be a challenge for shy students.

  • If this method is widely used, it can cause displeasure in students.

The main purpose is to learn some new vocabulary, first we are going from basic and simple vocabulary to more specific one.

Basic vocabulary:

More specific:

As part of the activities, we were divided in groups to sing the song "If you're happy And you know it..."

By doing this the students can learn new vocabulary, and by the mimics they can understand what its the meaning,

Making connections.

Words > chunks (Short commands) short phrase but complete meaning. 

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