Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Presentations about Multiple Intelligences, Rounds 1 & 2

Welcome back to my blog!👽

For this entry I will share some of the pictures I took from the presentations along with a brief summary of what they explained.

1- Visual Spatial Intelligence: 

The first group was composed by Miriam, Nathaly, Maria, and Dani. 

People with this intelligence enjoy building things, have the ability to imagine how certain things can be arranged in a room and are even great at parking the car.

Then, they asked us to get these pieces of paper together until we were able to create a form using all of them. My team was the one who actually won!

2- Logical Mathematical Intelligence:

This group was composed by Herrera, Maru, Kath, Damaris, and Clara. 

People with this intelligence enjoy building things, have the ability to imagine how certain things can be arranged in a room and are even great at parking the car. 

This type of intelligence is basically the ability to understand numbers and reasoning to understand how something works. People with this intelligence are well organized, have great problem solving skills and are able to recognize numerical patterns and their connection. They do not base their knowledge and explanations on emotions, but on facts and logic, and some activities to develop it can be logic puzzles, mind games, riddles, board games and science experiments. 

Then, they asked some of my classmates to come to the front, and do some online memory exercises, There they are watching Jonathan's performance haha.

3- Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence

This was my group´s topic and it was composed by Rodri, Aby, and myself. 

This intelligence refers to a person's ability to process information physically through movement, control and expression of the hands and body. It is also known as physical learning style or tactile-kinesthetic learning style.

We asked two groups to come to the front of the class and participate in some charades. They had to do some mime to guess the word written on a piece of paper, the group that guessed them all first won.

4. Linguistic Intelligence

This group was composed by Diana, Jaime and I don't honestly remember the names from the other participants. 😅

Linguistic intelligence gives you the ability to learn new languages and express yourself through spoken or written language. A person with this intelligence enjoys reading, is able to understand grammar and has a large vocabulary. As for the benefits, you will strengthen your communication skills and learn new words every day, and some activities to develop it are reading, solving crossword puzzles and listening to podcasts, all these activities will help you learn even more new vocabulary. Actors, writers, poets and teachers are said to have linguistic intelligence.

Then they played an online Kahoot game. I actually participated on this one but lost. 

5. Musical Intelligence

Then, the last group for this entry was composed by Joaquin, Cristian and the girls whose names I don´t recall. 

People with this intelligence have the ability to have a good sense of music and rhythm. They are considered to appreciate music and find it easy to remember melodies and songs, identify notes and enjoy focusing solely on the music.

Then, they asked two groups to guess some songs just by listening a part of it. It was fun because every song was getting more difficult to guess. 

And that would be all for this entry. Thank you!

Multiple intelligences

Hello, welcome to my blog! 

For this entry, I have decided to extract the information from the material provided. The most important details I found are the following: 

It is believed that we are all born with a certain potential for a level of intelligence that would reach its highest level during the period of our education, and then remain stable. We are all intelligent in many different ways and that our multiple intelligences are not fixed, as previously believed, but can be improved, developed and extended. 

The eight intelligences:

Verbal-linguistic intelligence. This refers to the use of language in written and spoken form. 

Logical-mathematical intelligence. Refers to the use of numbers and abstract symbols.

Visual-spatial intelligence. Refers to the understanding of spatial relationships. It includes the use of shape, color, appearance and the ability to think in images, to imagine and visualize...

Kinetic-bodily intelligence. Refers to movement and the use of the body for self-expression in a coordinated way. 

Musical intelligence. It refers to the sensitivity to sound, musical and environmental. It is related to tone and rhythm. 

Naturalistic intelligence. Refers to the ability to empathize with our natural environment. 

Interpersonal intelligence. It refers to the ability to deal with people, understanding and predicting their responses, and to be able to communicate effectively through body language and gestures. 

Intrapersonal intelligence. Refers to awareness of one's inner feelings and self-awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses.

We were also provided with this test on multiple intelligence, and here is my result: 

Btw, I didn´t have colors to use, so I know it looks kinda simple. 😂

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Collaborative Approach"

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to my blog. We are starting our 2nd semester, March 7th, 2023.

We have learned about "The Collaborative Approach" 

An idea, a focus, the idea of working collaborative, it works better when I have my group around. 

Community Language Learning

  • I need my "tribe" to learn
  • They back me up
  • Nothing prepared, just go with the flow
  • Record student´s conversation 
  • Analize the conversation and teach from the findings

Task-based Learning 
  • Group evolves to teamwork
  • Small steps lead students to the achievement of big objectives
  • Planning is needed
  • Short activities can be considered as task-based; but usually well-craffed projects are required 

Context-based learning (for teachers) 
  • Considered to be collaborative when groupwork is promoted inside the classroom

What are collaborative activities? C.A are any activities where learnes are working operatively in pairs or groups. 

Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...