Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Collaborative Approach"

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to my blog. We are starting our 2nd semester, March 7th, 2023.

We have learned about "The Collaborative Approach" 

An idea, a focus, the idea of working collaborative, it works better when I have my group around. 

Community Language Learning

  • I need my "tribe" to learn
  • They back me up
  • Nothing prepared, just go with the flow
  • Record student´s conversation 
  • Analize the conversation and teach from the findings

Task-based Learning 
  • Group evolves to teamwork
  • Small steps lead students to the achievement of big objectives
  • Planning is needed
  • Short activities can be considered as task-based; but usually well-craffed projects are required 

Context-based learning (for teachers) 
  • Considered to be collaborative when groupwork is promoted inside the classroom

What are collaborative activities? C.A are any activities where learnes are working operatively in pairs or groups. 

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