Thursday, May 11, 2023

"Voice Projection"

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog for this week!😀

In this class we did some voice projection exercises. Lic Orlando started with some imitations of the TV show "Ugly Betty".

Then, we watched this YouTube video and were asked to stand up and practice some of the exercises explained in the video. 

Some of the exercises were a lot of fun, as we had to imitate a woman's voice and the girls had to imitate a man's voice.

Then, we did two lines, we had to stand in front of another classmate and follow the teacher's instructions. For example, we would put a pencil in our mouth and try to talk to the other person in front of us, or we had to go backwards and try to talk upwards so they could hear us, in the end it was about trying to have a normal conversation but with some difficulties to practice our articulation and breathing.

Then on Thrusdays class, we watched this video about the three basic intentions of commercial locution, in which we learned about institutional intention, sales-focused intention and natural intention.

We were then asked to read this sentence with the three intentions, which made us laugh, as most of us were not used to projecting these types of voices.

Afterwards, our classmate Nidia approached all the groups and gave us her feedback on voice projection, since she is a radio hostess and has years of experience in this field, so she told us what aspects we could improve and how we could pronounce the words better.

There she gave us more tips and shared her experience over the years with her profession. She also showed us a commercial video in which she was the announcer. The amazing thing, is that the video was from about 6 years ago and sounded very good and professional, so in my case I was surprised that she has been a very talented person for a long time and now she has mastered her skill even more.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Josh, for keeping your blog updated. I think I saw a video in another blog in which you say a very peculiar phrase using the sales intention. You certainly did it great. So, I think that maybe you could turn out to be a great radio host in the future.


Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...