Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week's blog is about our class on 08/17/23. We studied about PPP lesson planning (Presentation - Practice - Production).
Normally, the presentation is the moment when the teacher has to explain. Then, in practice, it is more about teacher-student/student-teacher, where they can do activities, either controlled or free practice. And in production it is mostly the student's time to show an authentic outcome, which is the main objective.
We then talked about two main topics, teaching vocabulary and grammar. We discussed that to teach vocabulary it was recommendable to use Realia, pictures and so on. As for grammar, it can be taught deductively (straight to the point) or indeductively.
Also, in terms of activities or practice time, we as teachers should do at least 2 activities during the class, it can be one controlled practice and the other not or both controllable.
In controlled practice, the student may have no or almost no chance to make mistakes. An example can be that the learner chooses the correct verb conjugated at the right time.
1- Maria has ( wrote/written) a love letter.
The student in this case can underline the correct option.
2- Maria has ____ (write) a love letter.
The student in this case can write the correct option with the verb in parentheses that would be in the base form.
In free practice it will be more about students playing with the language. Therefore, we as teachers must make sure to provide as much time as possible for students to learn better while practicing.
And there we are in the classroom, not sure who took this photo, but it popped up in my gallery from that day (08/17/23). 😂