Sunday, August 20, 2023

Flexibility in Lesson Planning.

Hello everyone! Welcome once again to my blog for the week 08/10/23. 

First of all, that day we had been asked to arrive half an hour early, as Miss Brendaly had requested our help to participate in some activities that other students in the major had to do. So I had to leave work a little early, but I arrived on time and decided to participate. 

I remember we first scanned a QR code to fill out a general survey. Then a few of us went on to do a sight translation practice. The text was about artificial intelligence and its impact on society. Honestly, it had been a while since I had practiced this type of translation, but I think it went well. 

After that, we had a meeting with Regina, who is also a student, but unlike us, she already has a lot of experience in the field. Then she taught several very interesting topics that allowed us to learn more about this business area. What I remember is that the companies she recommends are AIIC, ATA, AGIT and USAID. We can quote interpreting equipment with Komunicare and Signify. An estimated charge for translations would be $25/$30 per page or 10/15 cents per word. For a quote we must take into account personal budget, client payment, and payment schedule. And I actually forgot to take pictures about this. 

Then, Lic Orlando started the class. We talked about "Magic moments/topics" which are those that everyone wants to talk about. 

We have to keep in mind that everything we teach has to be according to the student's level. (Realistics scenarios)

The objective and the production must always match.

Lesson planning, its like a recepe. We have to make sure it takes us to the fianl objective. 

Here is Lic Orlando showing us his crazy watch. 

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