Monday, February 27, 2023

Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

Our first class was on January 24th, 2023. 

Our teacher explained us that the subject will be about Methods and Techniques, Introduce how to teach by skill and Planing lessons depending on the skill. 

I also wrote that the Grammar translation started due to territory not teaching. The main idea was to keep power. 

Then we started talking about the different methods; the first one was the Grammar translation method (GMT)

This method teaches foreign languages that are derived from the classical method of teaching Greek and Latin. It focuses on the application of grammar and correct sentence structure.

The aim is for students to learn grammatical rules and then apply them by translating sentences between the target language and the native language. Its main objectives are: to enable students to read and translate literature written in the target language and to further the general intellectual development of the students.

It is especially useful for teaching students to write and read in another language, as it allows them to explore interchangeable words and phrases (i.e., different words for different tenses) more effectively than a verbal teaching method.

Its characteristics are:

Lessons are taught in the mother tongue.

Much of the vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists.

Little or no attention is paid to pronunciation.

Difficult texts are read early.

Long and elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.

We also used the SWOT method to further discuss the GMT.  

S: Strenghts 

W: Weaknesses 

O: Opportunities

T: Threats 

We can say that among the strengths of the GMT we have:

  • Students learn a lot of vocabulary.
  • They excel in reading and writing. 
  • Activates students' memory.


  • Poor comprehension and oral expression.
  • Unnatural and imprecise pronunciation.
  • GMT is not interactive or engaging for learners.


  • It offers the possibility of learning a new language using textbooks.
  • Students can learn vocabulary not only in the target language, but also in their mother tongue.


  • Classes can get boring 
  • More STT (student talking time) 
  • Students may not be used to translating word for word.

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