Monday, February 27, 2023

Direct Method (DM)


The Direct Method by Maximilian Berlitz

It is also known as Natural Method. 

It is a method of teaching foreign languages that uses the target language, discarding any use of the mother tongue in the classroom. Often (but not exclusively) used in foreign language teaching, it refrains from using the native language of the learners and uses only the target language. 

It was established in Germany and France around 1900 and contrasts with the grammatical translation method and other traditional approaches.

The basic idea of the Direct Method was that learning a second language should be more like learning a first language (lots of oral interaction, spontaneous use of the language, no translation between the first and second language, and little or no analysis of grammatical rules).


  1. Classes were taught in the target language.
  2. Grammar was taught inductively.
  3. Emphasis was placed on correct pronunciation and grammar.
  4. Listening comprehension and listening comprehension were taught.
  5. Only everyday vocabulary and phrases were taught.
Teach grammar inductively (DM)

Teach grammar deductively (GMT): Straight to the point. 

Unlike the GTM, the Direct Method is on target. It can be very effective in creating fluent speakers of the target language who can actually use it to function in everyday situations. Teachers can also ask students questions, ask them to fill in the blanks in a sample sentence, or ask them to read a piece of literature. All of these techniques highlight the strength of the Direct Method: teaching students to speak the target language rather than simply translating it.

It's principles: 

1. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.

2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.

3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression organized around  question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.

4. Grammar was taught inductively.

5. New teaching points were introduced orally.

6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.

7. Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.

8. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized


1. Example proliferation.

(Expanding from one idea)
Illustrate your point - Repetition 

2. Visual support.

Sensory mechanism
Signs and gestures
Help dramatize the content of  the lessons

3. Listening activities.

Read a story
Play audios
Listening lessons

4. Oral exercises and tasks.

Asking questions
work in pairs / groups

5. Stress free and supportive environment

Mistakes aren’t fatal
They don’t have social repercussions
You’re there for support 

The mistakes have to be corrected on the Audiolingual Method. 

SWOT analysis:


- This method focuses on question-answer patterns.

-Grammar is taught inductively.

-The most important aspect is the spoken language, so pronunciation and grammar are taken into account.

-The time during the lesson should be longer than the TTT.

-Instructions are given in the target language.


- No attention is given to some areas such as reading and writing.

-Not suitable for large classes.

-For people who are used to teaching or being taught with the Grammar Translation Method, the Direct Method may not hold up well.


- It will be a good opportunity for students to improve their Grammar knowledge and excel in their pronunciation, and on the other hand, it is a good method for intermediate and advanced teachers to float students' skills. If we compare this method with grammar translation, it will open more doors.


- Some risks of this method are that by focusing on oral performance and pronunciation, teachers neglect reading and writing activities, and a good teaching method should meet all four skill activities: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

We also watched the following video:

Direct Method

                                                       GTM                            DM
                                                    Dialogue          More communicative 
                                                                               Not much writing

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