Monday, February 27, 2023

The Audiolingual Method (A.K.A. The Army Method)


Its origin dates back to World War II, when it became known as the Army Method, as armies needed to orally master the languages of their allies and enemies as soon as possible. It was the first method based on linguistic theory and behavioral psychology. 

The audio-linguistic method emphasizes teaching listening comprehension and speaking rather than reading and writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and exercises as the main training techniques. 

Its basic principles are:

-Separation of language skills into listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

-Use of dialogues as the main means of language presentation. 

-Emphasis on certain practice techniques: mime memorization and pattern exercises. 

-Discouraging the use of the mother tongue in class.

Some techniques that can be applied with the audio-linguistic method are: 

-Repetition drill: This exercise is often used to teach the lines of dialogue. Students are asked to repeat the teacher's model as accurately and quickly as possible. 

-Substitution drill: Students repeat the line of dialogue given to them by the teacher, substituting the cue in the line in its proper place.

-Question and answer exercise: This exercise allows students to practice answering questions. Students must respond quickly to the teacher's questions. It is also possible for the teacher to prompt students to ask questions.

-Transformation exercises: Students change sentences -usually- from affirmative to negative.

This method is still used today, although usually as part of individual lessons rather than as the basis of the course. Such lessons can be very popular, as they are relatively simple, from the teacher's point of view, and the student always knows what to expect.

We also watched the following video:

Audiolingual Method

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