Wednesday, April 19, 2023

"Learning Styles"

 Hello, welcome back to one of the last entries from this semester. So, let's get started. 

I remember that I could not come to one of these classes because I had to stay longer at work, so the week after that I had no group😂. but I was able to join one of them to participate in the presentation of the topic.

So I had to read the document and here are the most important details I found: 

The VARK (Visual, Aural, Read and Write/ Kinesthetic) model was proposed in 1992 by Neil Fleming and Colleen Mills. 

It is important to understand what your learning style is, that way you will be able to choose a course or a major related to it, which means you will also be able to perform better in your courses and identify if a course will be difficult for you or not.

Now a summary of them:

Visual Learner (See it): They prefer to see information as pictures, diagrams, cartoons and demonstrations. They picture the words and concepts they hear as images. However, they are easily distracted in classes without visual aids and tend to be overwhelmed by intense visuals accompanied by lecture. 

Aural/Auditory ("Hear It/Say It"): They prefer to hear information spoken or read aloud. They can absorb a lecture with little effort and may not need notes to learn. A curious fact is that they tend to like music in the background when studying. 

Kinesthetic (Do it): They prefer touch as the primary mode for assimilating information or role-playing as a way to remember important ideas. In addition, they often work with study sheets connected to vivid examples.

Reading/Writing Learner: They tend to work with lists and words to keep ideas and "to do" items in order. They also prefer to work with dictionaries, Internet and quotations.

I also did one of the online tests and this was the result:

Then, as far as I know, in Thursday's class, Lic Orlando asked to create groups so that we could explain to the class an activity that could be implemented in each of the styles. So, since I didn't come, I asked my friends Mauri, Fer and Jona to let me join them.

And here I am, a bit lost in the subject as you may notice😂.

We had a great time explaining it, Fer and Jona are super good at creating activities since they work as teachers.                      

I remember Jona did some hand mimes so the rest of the class could remember the learning styles, then Fer wrote on the board some phrases like "the dog barks", he asked the class to read them fast and try to remember as many phrases as possible, then he erased them and asked them to tell the phrases, it was a good way to practice our visual skills. 

Here is Mauri with a Poker face jaja. 

Before ending this post, let's talk about the difference between Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles. 

Multiple Intelligences

Pearson (2021) states that it is best to think of MI as skills or strengths that tend to work together and offer a holistic way to support different types of learners. 

Learning Styles

On the other hand, the same publisher expresses that Learning Styles should be thought of as "preferences" for how a learner processes information using the senses to absorb and retain what is taught.

"Multiple Intelligences" is a broad overview that emphasizes how cultures and disciplines shape human potential. Learning styles, on the other hand, emphasize preferences or how a person likes to approach learning.

On the other hand, learning styles emphasize preferences or how a person likes to approach his or her learning.

And that would be all for this entry. Hope you liked it! See you next time. 👀

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