Monday, April 17, 2023

Multiple Intelligences presentations - Round 3

Welcome back to my blog! 

In this entry I will continue with a summary of the last presentations. 

6. Intrapersonal Intelligence

This group was composed by Alexia, Noé, Giselle, and Andrés. 

People with this type of intelligence are good at self-reflection and are aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, feelings and emotions.

They are very intuitive and independent, as they know themselves better, know how to apply their learning to everyday activities and know how to identify their emotions well.

Some activities to develop intrapersonal intelligence can be journaling, storytelling, writing an autobiography for people who like to write, and meditation. 

The benefits people can gain from these activities are understanding how to work with oneself, having greater compassion, having personal growth, and developing the ability to try new things and become a positive person.

And some of the professions highlighted are psychologists, social workers, authors, managers and entrepreneurs.

Then, I remembered they asked some of my classmates to come to the front and pick a piece of paper which had like an emoji face on it with an expression/feeling, and they had to share a situation when they feel like that. At the end they gave some cute notebooks to them as a token for their participation. 

7. Naturalist Intelligence

This group was composed by Gustavo, Nidia, Eli, Carla and Adri. 

This intelligence refers to the ability to appreciate, categorize, classify, explain and connect the things of everyday life with nature and we begin to develop it since we are babies.

Some characteristics of people who have this intelligence are that they are sensitive to nature, enjoy being in contact with it, like to take care of plants and animals and some of their hobbies may be watching Discovery Channel or National Geographic television programs.

This intelligence can be developed with things as simple as going for a walk or hiking, setting up a garden and trying to visit new places such as rivers, lakes and mountains. People who are considered to have naturalistic intelligence are biologists, florists, gardeners, explorers and veterinarians.

At the end, they made a very funny activity in which the participants had to guess what was inside the box by just touching the object. And it was funny to see all type of reactions about it. 

8. Existential Intelligence

The last group was composed by Ken, Mauri, Jona and Fer. 

This inteligence refers to the ability to understand and contemplate philosophical issues related to the existence of humanity and people with this type of intelligence are always trying to find concrete answers to questions that do not have them.

Some characteristics of this type of people are that they are interested in the origin of life and the meaning of death and are also interested in spiritual knowledge, practices and readings, they also respond rationally to difficult situations and have a strong desire to help and save others, leaving aside egocentrism.

At the end, they asked us to make some groups. We were given a piece of paper with a question on it, and we needed to discuss it in the group. Then, they chose one of the group participants to share the answer with the rest of the class. I was the chosen one, and I had to answer the question "Why are you here?" Which at first, you can think something simple, like I am here because I had to come due to my classes, but then, we actually started thinking more deeply and we said that we were there to find more opportunities in life, to improve our skills and do things better. 

9. Interpersonal Intelligence

The last intelligence type was Interpersonal, and if I'm not wrong, there was no group with this topic, cause I don´t recall anything about it. 

So, this would be my entry for these presentations. Thank you!

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Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

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