Sunday, June 4, 2023


Welcome to my last entry😭

This entry is about our last activity, where we did groups; each group had to explain different activities for listening, speaking, writing and reading, just like a normal class, so this time we became teachers.

Here is the Fernando´s group, that it was about listening.

They gave us some general details and tips. 

At the end, they asked us to listen to a song, they gave us the lyrics on pieces of paper and we had to order the lyrics according to what we were listening to, although I already knew the song, it still wasn't too easy since it was a rap.

Here it should go my group, but I don´t have any photo from that day😟

We did three speaking activities, from basic to advanced level. First, Aby did a spelling bee, in which she divided two groups, then she went around saying the words and the group with the most correctly spelled words was supposed to win. Then, in my activity, I implemented the Modal Verbs, so that they could give me suggestions to particular scenarios, the funny thing is that I gave each participant only 15 secods to say as many examples as possible. Then, Rodrigo, also had two groups, he showed them an image without context and they had to create a story, one had to start it, the next one continued it and the last one gave it an ending. I really liked all 3, as our classmates had to work very hard to successfully complete these speaking activities.

Afterwards, we had the reading group. 

They gave us very good advices and asked us if we liked to read, what disinterested us while reading or what distracted us.

Then, we were asked to read an article, which was somewhat complex, and that was the idea, to read something that not many people were interested in, to identify if we could understand the topic and so on. Then we did a word search game, which I really liked, although it had some errors in some words. 

Then, we had the writing group.

First, we completed these sentences.

Then we did some grammar exercises, in which we were told that we could use some conjunctions, such as coordinates, subordinates, comparatives, etc., to improve our composition.

Here is the structure of a letter:

And my example of a thank you letter:

Then, unfortunately, in Tuesday's class I was unable to attend, but I asked my classmates to send me some photos from that day. Here are the 4 remaining groups:

Overall, it was a good semester, and this subject definitely exceeded my expectations, as I mentioned in my final test, I never thought of becoming a teacher until I studied English Didactics. I can only say thank you teacher for being so passionate in what you do, for transmitting us that energy, and for giving us your example as an excellent teacher.

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Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...