Monday, July 17, 2023

English Didactic II

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the first entry of this semester. I am so glad that teacher Orlando is still with us, as it would have been much harder to get used to another teacher, so I am excited to continue learning and putting my knowledge into practice. 

For our first class, we had a pop quiz, which I obviously wasn't prepared for😂, I only got 3 or 4 answers correct, and I didn't remember the rest. Here is a picture of it:

Sorry the paper looks like this😅, I thought we were supposed to participate only in the forum and that's why I didn't take pictures in the classroom either, but I will next time. 

We also reviewed how the syllabus and evaluations will be during this semester. We will start teaching soon and the most interesting thing is that we will have to bring students from outside the university who want to learn more; no matter their english level, sex, age, well they must be at least 18 y/o and they will have to go every Thursday and at the end they will receive a recognition. I really like the idea, I still don't know if I will bring someone but I am sure it will be great.

So, stay tuned for the next entry! See you.✌

1 comment:

  1. Dear Joooosh, thank you for keeping your blog updated! :D Oh, by the way, avoid making paper airplanes with your quizzes jejeje xD


Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...