Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Lesson planning, CCQs & ICQs

 Hello teacher and everyone!

This week's class was different as it was virtual. In fact it reminded me of the pandemic times when all the activities were like this. So yes, I did miss attending face-to-face classes last week. However, our teacher is so dedicated to his work that he left us with several activities that I could not finish.😅

We studied about lesson planning and the importance of it. It is important to calculate the duration of the class, the steps to take, what activities to do according to the topic taught, otherwise we could fall into the error of improvising, which would lead us to a class without coherence. 

An important point that caught my attention was to anticipate the possible problems that students may face and to know how to solve them in case they arise. 

Then, we had to talk about this topic in a Vocaroo video and give our opinion. In my case, I could not do it on Thursday, but only until last Monday, with just a couple of hours left. 😅

Afterwards, we used another platform called Padlet Wall, where we answered a couple of questions, of which the first ones were a bit personal, so I answered them honestly, trusting that no one would have enough time to read it. In fact, I don't think I ever read anyone else's participation, I barely have enough time to make my participation. 😂

Lastly, we had a third activity to record another video. Unfortunately I was unable to complete it due to time constraints. But it was about ICQs and the CCQs. 

CCQ stands for Concept Checking Questions and ICQ stands for Instruction Checking Questions. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Josh, thank you for keeping your blog updated. I know that there were several activities the ones assigned for you and your classmates, but - in the end - even though it was late, you could achieve them successfully. Best regards!


Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...