Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Classes by groups 1 & 2

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. This post is very special as we are starting our first classes with a group of students.😀

The first group in charge was Diana's group, and something I really liked was that they gave them name tags so they could call them by name and become more familiar with each other. 

Then they made a circle so that the students could get to know each other. It was fun because each student had to repeat the name of the previous student, so the last student to participate had to try to remember all the previous names. 

This group was in charge of teaching the alphabet and some of the more common greetings. 

And here is a photo of the whole group. I think they played a very important role as the first group to teach a class. I think the students got a good perspective of the class and felt good overall. This will certainly help the rest of the groups.

After the 1st class, we had a break, so we went for an ice cream.

We came back from the break and started the 2nd class, which was about the Verb To Be and the use of the Present Simple in the affirmative form.

They made a chart on the board, and had the students choose papers, in which they had written subjects, verbs, and complements, then the students had to paste them in the corresponding part. 

They played a lot of games with the students, which is a great way to break the ice. Here they are playing a song while the students were passing a ball to each other, once the music stopped, the student who got the ball had to participate.

Here is Dani paying attention to the class. Please don't tell her. If you are seeing this (which you will probably do), Tqm😂

And that is how we finished the first two classes. Congratulations to the first groups who did great. This week we will go with two more groups. And next week it will be my group's turn, so stay tuned.👀✌

1 comment:

  1. You should have posted, next to Dani's picture, that meme that reads "Ya nos exhibiste." jejeje
    Thank you for updating your blog :D


Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

Welcome to my last Didactics II entry. I have to admit it, but I feel a little sad that everything has come to an end, especially this class...