Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Classes by groups 3 & 4

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Blog.✌

For this class I remember I was a little late, as I left home a little later than usual. But I was able to make it in time to listen to part of the explanation before the activities. 

So this group taught some more familiar greetings. Like "good morning", "it's nice to meet you", etc. 

Then, they explained the verb To Be in affirmative form:

What is Spelling and why is it important:

Then, they practiced with some audios and the students had to answer some questions based on what they were able to listen

Then for the Wrap Up activity, they played hot potato but with a Chayanne song in the background. Everyone laughed about it, but Dani and Nath got excited as soon as they heard it, here their reaction:

And here's the whole group - they all did a great job as teachers!

After the pause, we had group #4 with Greetings and spelling personal information.

They did some exercises based on readings

Some students went to the front to read a dialogue

They had a conversation with each other:

And at the end, they asked the students what they have learned, as a wrap up activity.

Overall, it was a good class for both groups. Tomorrow Sept 28th it will be my group's turn, so we will see how it goes. Stay tuned!👀

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Last Entry Groups 7 & 8 (Nov 9th)

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